Every Student Deserves a Tutor
A tutor plays an important role in the learning journey of any student. Millions of students who use CK-12 cannot afford a traditional tutor.

Like any great tutor, here’s what Flexi does:

Assists Your Learning

Flexi makes learning a concept engaging and provides immediate feedback to help students learn complex topics with real world applications.

Answers Questions

Flexi answers students’ questions and provides interactive examples to help them understand the underlying concepts.

*Currently only available for CK-12 Science FlexBook® 2.0 content

Checks Your Understanding

Flexi tests students’ knowledge of a concept by giving them relevant questions at their skill level.

Helps You with Assignments and Gets You Unstuck

Flexi supports students with the right amount of help via hints, content recommendations, and reinforcement of foundational concepts, helping fill knowledge gaps and improve assignment scores.

Guides Your Learning Journey

Flexi provides timely reminders of students’ upcoming assignments, topics they may have forgotten or missed, their next topic to learn, and any unfinished work, helping them stay on track.

Helps You with Self-Reflection

Flexi helps students self-reflect to answer questions like:

  • How am I doing?
  • How can I improve?
  • What am I missing?
What Others Are Saying
CK-12 has reinvigorated my love for knowledge and is my go to resource to practice and brush up on skills. Thanks to CK-12 I was able to relearn most of what I forgot and get back in school, thank you CK-12.
This site has taught me many concepts in math. I want to review so that I will be ready for when I apply for a math position. This site teaches so much more than any other site that I have found.

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